Ambar Prajapati announced Gold Winner at the 5th Annual 2020 American Best in Business Awards

October 29, 2020 | Updated
The Globee® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs and business ranking lists, announced winners for the 5th Annual 2020 American Best in Business Awards, which are industry and peer competitions honoring achievements in all disciplines of business and work-life.

SVUS Awards® Winners Announced in Annual 2020 Business Awards

A worldwide judging panel of more than 300 executives and professionals representing a wide spectrum of industries determined the winners. Ambar Prajapati with International Paper, Memphis via InfoServices, bagged Gold at the 5th Annual 2020 American Best in Business Awards.

About the American Best in Business Awards

The American Best in Business Awards are open to all organizations with at least one or more offices in the United States of America. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. – large to small and startups, government, public and private, for-profit and non-profit – are eligible to submit nominations to the American Best in Business Awards in a wide range of categories honoring achievement in every aspect of business + work life.

The SVUS Awards are rebranded as Globee Awards consisting of the same award programs + several new award programs and business ranking lists introduced. The One Planet® American + World Business Awards are rebranded as the American Best in Business Awards.